Golden Ratio Einstein

Golden Ratio Emperor
Golden Ratio Emperor

Meet Enshtein. Our genious Maine Coon boy.

Sex: MCO Male
Name: GoldenRatio Einstein
Colour: black/brown tabby
D.O.B.: 23.04.2020 
Father: GoldenRatio Be Happy
Mother: zMatrixu Whiskers

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Einstein is reserved and no longer available.

Einstein is the smartest kitten on the block. His attention is sharply targeted to anything and everything that moves. Especially if there is a human nearby who is doing something. He would observe and then sniff the ground to have a taste of what's going on every once in a while. Then once the activity stops. He would go and gently touch the things with his pow.

His favourite thing naturally, is to make experiments. As a scientist by heart, he is always up to something which the rest of his siblings barely understand. To be exact, we are talking about small stolen objects in the food or in the water. Apparently, curiosity and intelect are his primary character attributes. True to his name.