Litter C

Kittens from litter C were born on 15.11.2019 to Flowingsounds Handsome Hugh & zMatrixu Whiskers.
Flowindsounds Handsome Hugh & zMatrixu Whiskers
Flowindsounds Handsome Hugh & zMatrixu Whiskers

Parents Litter C

Meet Flowindsounds Handsome Hugh & zMatrixu Whiskers

Father: Handsome Hugh
Mother: zMatrixu Whiskers
Kittens birthday: 15.1./2019
Pedigree: Click here
Golden Ratio Coco Bongo

Meet Coco Bongo. Our charming Maine Coon prince.

Pedigree Litter C

Litter C is the offspring of Flowingsounds Handsome Hugh and zMatrixu Whiskers

Golden Ratio Caffeine

Meet Caffeine. Our exquisite Maine Coon girl.

Golden Ratio Cold Lake

Meet Cold Lake. Our dazzling Maine Coon girl.

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Meet Cuban Pete. Our stunning Maine Coon boy.